Abdel Wahab el-Doukali - Messenger of Love Messenger of love where have you gone? And where are you hiding from us? I'm afraid you've forgotten us and abandoned us And swore not to return So long as the love between us is lost And you watered us from its spring In the name of love, in the name of the depths And freest desires You must find us and come back to us The silence persists while our songs speak |
Messenger of love your absence has lasted too long this time
And the lover's hearts are all sleepless when you are away
New feelings do not move them
And blossoms do not sprout in them
That open with perfume and aroma
Tunis is that which has become strange
I'm lost in the night without a moon
Oh, the world of lovers is painful
The leaves have shriveled
Where are those who are melting in the night of love?
Where are those who are melting in the fire of separation?
In the name of love, in the name of desire
Come on messenger of love we miss you
Oh messenger of love
مرسول الحب فين مشيتي وفين غبتي علينا
خايف لاتكون نسيتنا وهجرتنا وحالف ماتعود
مادام الحب بينا مفقود وانت من نبعه سقيتنا
باسم المحبه باسم الاعماق وأحر الأشواق
كان اترجاك اسأل فينا وارجع لينا يدوم الصمت وتتكلم اغانينا
مرسول الحب غيابك طال هذه المره
وقلوب الاحباب وانت بعيد كلها صحرا
لايحركها احساس جديد ولاتنبت فيها زهره
تتفتح بالشذى والطيب وتونس الي بات غريب
تايه في ليل بلا قمرا
اه من دنيا العشاق
ذبلت الاوراق
فين ذايبين بليل الحب
فين ذايبين بنار الفراق
باسم المحب ونار الاشواق
تعال يا مرسول اشتقنا لك يامرسول
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