• Sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum

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  • Category name clash

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. Maecenas at nisl. Nullam lorem mi, eleifend a, fringilla vel, ...

  • Test with enclosures

    Here's an mp3 file that was uploaded as an attachment: Juan Manuel Fangio by Yue And here's a link to an external mp3 file: Acclimate by General Fuzz Both are CC licensed. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. ...

  • Block quotes

    Some block quote tests: Here's a one line quote. This part isn't quoted. Here's a much longer quote: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In dapibus. In pretium pede. Donec molestie facilisis ante. Ut a turpis ut ipsum pellentesque tincidunt. Morbi blandit sapien in mauris. Nulla lectus lorem, varius aliquet, auctor vitae, bibendum et, nisl. Fusce pulvinar, risus non euismod ...

Try and sell your heart and your love
And see who the buyer will be?
Who will uphold my promise for you after I'm gone?
The promise that took cared for you and the heart that gave days of its life for you in years
See who who the buyer will be?
Before you forget that special promise
Think for a night or two
See who besides us has spend nights, living the years of their youth
You will find the footsteps of your heart and mine
Waiting there, carrying for me a word that remained from you
When I was with you
What am I to do, tell me, I know you remember me
Should I leave you, what should I do?
Try to sell your heart and see who the buyer is

You say my fire tired your heart
Isn't this the same fire that sent your mind flying, wandering happily in love?
Why now do you want to leave it?
Why now do you run away from it?
If the response is like yeseterday, leave as you like and forget me
The passing of the days will bring you back
So then what am I to do, tell me, I know you remember me
Should I leave you, what should I do?
Try to sell your heart and see who the buyer is

It would make me happy if you leave me and try loving someone else
See whose love is greater than mine
If one experienced what I've experienced with you
Build his hopes and destroy them
And count all his tears and come tell me after
Is he your love of me?
So what am I to do, tell me, I know you remember me
Should I leave you, what should I do?
Try to sell your heart and see who the buyer is

عبد الحليم حافظ - بيع قلبك

بيع قلبك بيع ودك ..
شوف الشاري مين ؟
شوف عهدي مين بعدي حايصونهولك مين ؟
العهد اللي رعاك .. والقلب اللي فداك أيامه عمرها بسنين ..
شوف الشاري مين ؟
قبل ما تنسى العهد الغالي ..
فكر ليلة وهات لياليه
شوف مين غيرنا قضى ليالي عايشه بعمر شبابي فيه
حتلاقي خطوة قلبي وقلبك ..
مستنيه هناك شايلالي كلمة فضلت ..
منك لما كنت معاك واعمل إيه قوللي ياللي فاكرني ..
بهجرك أعمل إيه بيع قلبك ..
بتقول ناري تعبت قلبك ..
مش دي النار اللي كان حبك طاير في جنها وسارح ..
ليه دلوقتي بتبعد عنها ليه ليه دلوقتي بتهرب منها ليه ؟
ما هو النهار رده زي امبارح أهجر على كيفك وانساني ..
مسيرالأيام تجيبك تاني وأعمل إيه قوللي يا اللي فاكرني ..
بهجرك أعمل إيه بيع قلبك ...
أنا يسعدني تبعد عني ..
وتجرب غيري في هواك شوف مين حبه أكتر مني ..
لو شاف اللي أنا شفته معاك ابني آماله وهدها ..
واحسب دموعه وعدها وتعالى قوللي بعدها ..
هو حبيبك والا أنا وأعمل إيه قوللي ياللي فاكرني ..
بهجرك أعمل إيه
بيع قلبك .. بيع ودك


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